Steppe Animals

Amur Tiger: The Steppe’s Majestic Predator

The Amur tiger, also called the Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica), is one of the largest and most powerful big cats in the world. Found primarily in the forests of the Russian Far East, the Amur tiger’s range historically extended into steppe-like regions bordering its primary habitat. This tiger is built for survival in cold and challenging environments, with a dense, thick coat of fur that protects it from freezing temperatures.

Amur tigers are solitary predators, primarily hunting deer, wild boar, and other large herbivores. They are known for their patience and stealth, often stalking prey for hours before delivering a powerful attack. Despite their strength and adaptability, these tigers face numerous threats, including habitat destruction due to logging, development, and illegal hunting for their fur and body parts, which are used in traditional medicine. Conservation programs have made strides in protecting the species, yet much work remains to ensure their survival.